Strawberry Fundraiser

Dear Band Parents and Students,

It is time for another yummy fundraiser! It is STRAWBERRY time!!!! You will be selling from December 6th  until January 8th. You have an entire month to sell to everyone that you know!

The strawberries are $28 for a full flat (8 quarts) and $15 for a half flat (4 quarts). This is NOT written on your order form. Please write this on there. Also, please make sure your name and section are on there legibly, as well as a good contact phone number. There are no online sales for the strawberries, because they have to be kept cold and are too fragile for normal shipping.

 This is a 50/50 fundraiser. Half of the profit from each sale will go to the student's CHARMS account.

There will be $25 given to the third place seller in the high school, $50 given to the second place seller, and $100 given to the first place seller!!!! There will also be candy given for every order form turned in with at least 5 full flats (or equal amount) sold during the sale. This sale will continue over Christmas break, so I am attaching the order form in case you need another copy for extra sales. There are also more order forms in the band room, if the student wants to get them before the break.

The strawberries should be delivered in early to mid March. Of course, this all depends on the fruit being ready for picking, so please be patient. Please watch the Munford Band website, Facebook page, email or text messages for updates on fruit delivery. Pick-up will be at the high school’s home side entrance to the football field, when the time is set.

The order form is attached.  The entire strawberry form will be uploaded to CHARMS by tomorrow.

Please contact me at if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Band Admin