2021 Munford Band Golf Tournament!
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
*** Player Registration Sold-out ***
4-Man Scramble
Check-in starts at 8 AM
Gunshot start at 9 AM
Entry Fee: $60 per person
Entry fee includes lunch of a Burger, Hot Dog or Sausage Dog w/ chips & a Fountain Drink plus CASH Awards & Door prizes
Add-ons for purchase:
Buy 2 mulligans for $10 *limit of only the 2 mulligans per person*
Munford Band Themed 9 Hole Putt Challenge $8 per round (Winner splits the pot with us.)
18 hole sponsors - $125 each
2 beverage cart sponsors $150 each
1 sponsor for the 9 hole putt challenge $200
Cash Prize Sponsors: For 1st place - $300, 2nd place $250, 3rd place $200